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Gramin Vikas Manch Highlights

    • 1000 self help group formed in Umred, Bhiwapur & Kuhi Taluka.

    • Self help groups, book keeping and others training given to 10500 women.

    • Self help groups, book keeping and others training given to 10500 women.

    • 50 women agriculture self help group formed.

    • Three women self helf group federation formed in Umred Bhiwapur & Kuhi Taluka.

    • In integrated watershed development project 2000 self help group members and 2000 farmers given training on watershed management and other related issues.

    • Organic farming training given to 1000 farmers.

    • 20 farmers study club formed.

    • 3 Awards & Honour.

    • 10 villages made gkx.knkjh eqDr.

    • 111 villages covered in Leprosy Elimination Action program in Bhiwapur taluka.35 +ve patient were detcted during House to House survey in 111 villages 2011.

    • In livelihood Rural agency project under IWMP project livelihood training was given to 2500 women.

    • Micro entrepreneurship training given to 1000 women.

    • 1000 trees planted in Umred Taluka.

    • Mobile banking training given to 50000 people in 140 villages of Umred Taluka.

    • 40 village development committee formed.

    • 840 houses covered in house to house survey in Umred taluka with 45 suspected leprosy patient were detected in 2018 in National Leprosy Elimination Programme.

    • In Jalaswaraj Project eight Grampanchayat were made tankerfree. Villages have there own source of well and pipeline system for water distribution.