Ramai Mahila Sakshamikaran Yojna (SCP)

Award from MAVIM for best NGO in SHG formation in Maharashtra

During the course of last 3 years GVM has formed 56 SHGs and linked 31 SHGs under this title. In 40 villages of Nand location VLCs have been formed. The formation of CMRC at Nand location is under process. Operation of this CMRC is expected by the end of Nov’06. Similarly, 3 CMRCs each at Umred, Kuhi and Bela locations are under process and expected to be functional up to March’09.

Jalswarajya Project

The said project assigned to GVM on 25th Feb’2006 has been immediately implemented by formation of various necessary comities within a month and exposure visits, gram sabha and useful trainings have been arranged.

Gramin Vikas Manch is equally conscious about the Health, Wealth and Peace of rural life and urban,too.

Rural Health Development Program

GRAMIN VIKAS MANCH (GVM) has been successfully conducted 60 health awareness camps in 60 villages of Umred, Bhivapur and Kuhi Talukas of Nagpur district in the year 2010 – 11 and still going on. The basic motto of the program was to make the rural area people conscious about their health at par with urban area people. During the course of this program meaning and importance of the cleanliness was illustrated to the people. Principals of proper sanitation were taught to them. This program resulted control about epidemics.
Gramin Vikas Manch, Umred has been holding a number programme & activities on Earth Day every year. The objective of the programme was to create awareness on issue related to environment protection. After the previous programme on Earth Day,recommendation given after the discussion and interaction were followed.

Environment Education Seminar/Earth Day

We are dependent of the Environment. Without healthy environment living organism can not survive. Though everybody knowing the factors affecting the environment frequent review of the advises is necessary keep the awareness live. For this great purpose GVM has formed Ecological Club at Ashok Vidyalaya, Umred with the help and volunteer students and teachers. It is termed as “Harit Sena” Every year Gramin Vikas Manch, Umred is organizing seminar of Earth day in school & colleges. We are also organizing drawing competition in school. Inspite of that we are taking plantation programme in some villages. Gramin Vikas Manch, Umred has been holding a number programme & activities on Earth Day every year.

The objective of the programme was to create awareness on issue related to environment protection. After the previous programme on Earth Day, recommendation given after the discussion and interaction were followed. The action group formed. After the event supervised and monitor various programmes. Tree plantation in community places and proper disposal of solid waste.

Executive Body of Gramin Vikas Manch comprising of 7 members. Management body met every month and spends considerable time in deciding about its effectiveness as well as efficiency. It was due to its concern for human resource development. Executives of GVM come together every month to share the grass root level experiences of the field experienced by the staff of GVM to plan the strategy to overcome them. GVM’s executives themselves working in the field physically is the specialty of the GVM ".



As the forest department as transferred 3243.25 hectors of reserve forest to forest development corporation of Maharashatra In January 2010. In 2009-10 Gramin Vikas Manch, Umred has started Water. Forest, Land & Wildlife Conservation Movement with following Mission, Vision, Aims and objectives.

Environmental study made by Gramin Vikas Manch (GVM) with overview of ancient India (Hindustan) revealed that dense forest was spread all over India in ancient age. The density of forest in India before manifestation of British was also far better than the view today. In the British ruled India some amount of tree cutting took place for the survival of one or other. But the pace of jungle cutting was turtle walk. The effects of diminishing forest could not immediately assess, due to self-global environmental corrections. It was the childhood of the “science and technology” era.

In an undergoing era of explosive population, everybody trying to gain money by any way with unconsciousness over consequences of the things did, which resulted riding capitalism over earth. While the boom of capitalism, everyone neglecting health of the earth and its eco-cycle affecting by the spurt in industrialization which causes pollution. Urbanization demands wood causes forest extinction and elimination of biodiversity. Forest is directly proportional to biodiversity hence its health is more important than the capitalism. Capitalists and every one will vanished with extinction of earth's Eco.Man always dependant of the forest since his inception to earth. Man is contesting the race for any immediate development, which gives him satisfaction in the form of wealth and peace, though it may be temporary, say for two or three generation. Nobody is looking for the protection of natural assets for survival of coming never lasting generations.As such, taking into consideration the process of forest cutting, race point seems to be come soon with extinction of my earth.


Since 1950, if the area of Maharashtra is taken into consideration, about 33% of total land area was covered by Forest. At present out of 33% of forest only 20.12% forest is exist which includes 14% of Reserved Forest, Protected forest & Sanctuaries and 6.12% of Zudpi Jangal. Whereas, so called Zudpi Jangal comprising only bushes which height is not more than 4 to 5 feet. There is a wide The process scope of tall tree plantation, which is not looked into by Govt. i.e. Forest Department.of forest cutting attained speed after getting independence to India, on the basis of country development. Population of India got increased day by day and corresponding decrease of forest area took place under various captions viz. industrial development, urbanization, govt. land development schemes, etc. On the above study, Gramin Vikas Manch (GVM) practically intervened in Zamkuli – Bhivi jungle pocket of Bhiwapur Taluka to study and ascertain the ecological crises. While study of this jungle pocket since 2008, it is observed that the existing forest was naturally well managed by forest department under the coordinative support of forest dedicated tribal of this area. During the course of study it came to know that the forest of this area is divided into 10 beats viz. Zamkuli, Sirsi, Urkudapar, Mahalgaon, Bellarpar (East), Bellarpar (West), Dhamangaon, Kholdoda, Lonara and Alesur. This forest area admeasuring 3243.25 hector has been handed over to Forest Development Corporation of Maharashtra (FDCM) in 2010 for conservation and densities the forest. But GVM observed that instead of conserving and densities the forest FDCM is abruptly destroyed 10 hector forest of Mahalgaon beat without maintaining biodiversity. The trees destroyed by FDCM were about 10 to 70 years old. If, the plantation is done today, then requires 30 – 40 years to grow jungle. As such FDCM is generating 40 years backlog today. Within the state of Maharashtra 20.12% forest is available out of which 6.12% is Zudpi Jungale and 14% is actual forest including reserved and protected forest feasible for wildlife and mankind survival.


Actually there is a need to grow additional forest in Zudpi Jungle as well as in reserved and protected forest to enhance the ratio of forest at least up to 33% to maintain healthy eco-system and reduction of global warming so as to meet the promises made by Government in Climate change summit held in Geneva which was represented by Hon,ble Shri Jairam Ramesh, Minister of Forest & Environment, India. It is also bring to your notice that the forest in question is a reserved forest where cutting of tree or any destructive process is highly prohibited as per the extent policy. It is not known how this reserved forest is handed over to FDCM. It is also observed that there is about 10 tigers and other wild life is surviving. Moreover this reserved forest is out skirt of the Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserved Project of Govt. of India.
What is WATER, SOIL, FOREST & WILD LIFE CONSERVATION MOVEMENT, MAHARASHTRA? WATER, SOIL, FOREST & WILD LIFE CONSERVATION MOVEMENT, MAHARASHTRA is a social network of environment conscious people and NGOs of all India which driven by GRAMIN VIKAS MANCH, Umred Where every country endeavoring to grow or at least save the forest on global level to arrest global warming and it effects to mankind, on the other hand FDCM is cutting the forest abruptly to imbalance the local eco-system.


In view of the study and avbove observations Gramin Vikas Manch launcing a state wide campaign to unite dedicated eco conscious people to save Forest and our environment for mankind survival under the banner “WATER, SOIL, FOREST & WILD LIFE CONSERVATION MOVEMENT, MAHARASHTRA” with the following vision, mission and goal.


While managing SHGs lots of difficulties have faced by GVM. At the beginning bankers were not cooperated the GVM promotion and linking of SHG due to their inadequate knowledge about the rules and regulation of SHGs. GVM had to make efforts for convincing the bankers. However, GVM has tackled the issues very diplomatically and tried to hit the ball. It is not our caption but people says GVM is on progress.

• To strengthen the organic farming activities.
• To complete the “Jalswarajya” project for handing over to villagers.
• To start CMRC in Umred, Nand and Kuhi location.
• To complete the gradation of all SHGs.
• To run the project on Organic farming.