Livelihood Promotion

The intervention under livelihood promotion for poverty alleviation are undertaken with the following principles in mind.

India is an agriculture country , most of the population about 68.8% reside in rural area of our country. In Maharashtra 54.8% of the state population reside in rural area (census2011). About 24.27% of this population reside in vidarbha region. The most of this rural population depends on agriculture and allied activities for its livelihood sources , most of most tribal population lives in rural area, Therefore working in the area of livelihood is given more importance.
GVm focuses on providing equal access to land water forest , energy and other sources for poor and marginalized to provide them with adequate livelihhod and orginalized to provide them with adequate livelihood opportunities from the human right perspective.
GVm focuses on providing equal access to land water forest , energy and other sources for poor and marginalized to provide them with adequate livelihhod and orginalized to provide them with adequate livelihood opportunities from the human right perspective.
GVm focuses on providing equal access to land water forest , energy and other sources for poor and marginalized to provide them with adequate livelihhod and orginalized to provide them with adequate livelihood opportunities from the human right perspective.
There are so many schemes of Government related to livelihood training (LRA) . Integrated watershed development program (IWMP), irrigation and allied activities water and forest . We have given livelihood training in 30 villages of Umred taluka, these schemes not reach to actual target group. Thus the organization work closely with government systems for the convergence of these for developing the livelihood of the people.
Gramin Vikas Manch (GVM) belives that the producer , collector and cultivator should reap the major benefits of their hard work and hence work towards initiating local level community based institution such as farmers club , cooperatives, SHGs , village development committee etc. In order to enable them to undertake the processing and marketing of their produce.


To work under gender and other forms of social discrimination are undertaken with the following principal in mind.

It is observed that discrimination based on gender, caste , creed ,economic status and other similar areas still exists in our country. This sort of discrimination specially affects the organized groups such as poor, women , children, tribals , dalit and other minorities , , moreover the figure related to various social indicators for rural areas are alarming.
The literacy rate in rural areas of Maharashtra is only 77.09% where male literacy rate is 86.39% and female literacy rate is only 67.38% . In vidarbha, the average rural literacy rate is 80.87% . The rural sex ratio in Maharashtra has declined from 960 in 2001 to 948 in 2011(census). The figure above show that inspite of various acts and schemes , specially for women and girl children , the positive Impact is still not seen at the grassroot, in vidarbha, the average rural sex ratio is 953.18.
There is a lack of awareness amongst the people regarding the various schemes and policies applicable to them for their benefits, Also, the implementers of the schemes fail in the proper Implementation due to their ignorance or their lack of willingness or lethargy o work.
It is observe that the child labour is rampant in vidarbha region inspite of various strigent act against child labour being in place. A large number of children is out of school , either dropout or have been to school at all . Much need to be done for the betterment and welfare of these children.
It is observe that the child labour is rampant in vidarbha region inspite of various strigent act against child labour being in place. A large number of children is out of school , either dropout or have been to school at all . Much need to be done for the betterment and welfare of these children.


Intervention under Responsive governance towards Human Rights are undertaken with the following principles in mind.

India is a welfare state and Government of India is respos]nsible for the care and well being of its citizen. India being a democratic state , the chosen representatives are accountable and answerable to the people they serve.
It seems that Government make effort to come out with schemes and policies for the benefit of its people, the implementation of these schemes and services fails to help deprived and poor section of the population.
At the grass root level, It is seen that people are not aware of the basic rights and amenities applicable to them. Therefore , they are not in a position to demand that these services be made accessible and available. Thus it is seen that there is a major Lack of awareness and information amongst the masses.
Inorder to take the voices of the grass root to the government official ,it is essential that people come together collectively and raise the issue and concern so that their problems are duly noted and acted upon. Therefore mass mobilization activities are must to reach out the govt, officials.
The concept of decentralization has been applied in our country. However it is seen that the power still exist does not completely lie at the district and village level. It is essential that the people participation in the political process for their own benefits.